shrine directory!
(shrines are webpages dedicated to stuff you like)
y'all should probably know that i hate james wan.
navigating to my bite-sized reviews:
x rewatch - some things I watch a lot (this does not mean they're good)
x my 2024 movie log
x books (page pending)
x podcasts (page pending)
x games (page pending)
navigating to longer-form stuff:
(coming soon, but also "soon" is relative... the point is, it's coming).
Did you know that there's two Escape Room (2017) movies? Like, there's Escape Room (2017), but there's also Escape Room (2017). I just watched them both, and I was honestly really disappointed by Escape Room (2017). Like, Escape Room (2017) was pretty fun, and I feel like Escape Room (2017) just kinda phoned it in. Hands down, Escape Room (2017) was the better Escape Room (2017).